Thursday, September 1, 2011


Sometimes we can get caught up in the new things we discover. This week, I've continued to read The Girl with a Pearl Earring. Griet, has started to find her place in the Vermeer household in Delft. Tension and jealousy arises between Griet and Catharina (Vermeer's wife) when she finds out that Griet has been spending more time in the art studio with her husband. But the circumstance is much different than you would think. Vermeer, enjoys Griet's presence and gives her lessons on how to mix paints. As time passes by, the closer Griet and Vermeer get. Eventually, Vermeer asks Griet if he can paint a portrait of her for a client of his. This startles the optimistic Griet and with some persuasion and time to consider the offer, Griet accepts. Gossip around Delft arises about her and how Vermeer is going to paint her. Of course Catharina hears about this mysterious rumors and confronts her about them. After the harsh confrontation, Griet begins to realize how jealous Catharina is about the time she has been spending with Catharina's husband. Eventually she leaves the Vermeer house heartbroken an disappointed. The plot in this story is very typical and common. The person gets so caught up in something new that they enjoy that they don't realize how it affects other people. As well as themselves. As I have been reading this book, I completely understand the hardships that Griet has to face. Losing a loved one, feeling alone and having to keep all of the pain and hurt bottled up inside. As well as trying to get through each day the best way possible. When dealing with pain, it is nice to have a distraction from it all. In the story, Griet finds an easy escape from her hardships and chores around the house by working in the art studio with Vermeer each day. Griet is awed by the vibrant, bold colors of Vermeer's paintings. It becomes imminent that art and painting is Griet's new therapy. Her escape, her form of relaxation. I immediately made the connection between Griet and I, that art is a great therapy. After I lost my grandma this summer, I used my artistic abilities to vent the pain I felt about the death of my grandma. Ever since I was little, I have always enjoyed making jewelry. The concept of patterns, color and balance intrigued me at a young age and I've self taught myself how to bead ever since. About a year ago, I made my grandma two little garnet and pearl bracelets. She never took them off. After she passed my mother gave them back to me and I never take them off. Whenever I look at them, I remind myself that my art was and is appreciated by other people. And that I should keep persuing it. I have learned from this story thus far that it is okay to have a distraction from the hectic world we live in. But, to not get too caught up in it. A good balance of fantasy and reality is key to happiness. 

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