Friday, October 14, 2011


     This quarter, I read some really excellent books. They all except one, had good morals and lessons. I really enjoyed A Girl with a Pearl Earring the plot in this story was so simple but yet it had such a big moral to it. To not lose yourself, and to always remember to be yourself and no one else. Griet really struggled with that in the book and was constantly reminding herself to not be someone else in the eyes of the Vermeer family.
     I also read Columbine. When I picked up the book to start reading it, I had an idea of what I was getting myself into, but I didn't think this book was going to be that in depth about the 1999 Columbine High School Massacre. It's left a permanent mark on me, that tragedies like Columbine happen, but you can't live your life constantly reminding yourself that a tragedy like that could happen.

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