Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Update: Week 10

     Like last week, I am still reading "Open" by Andre Agassi. It has been so inspiring and very motivational. Agassi does not hold back in this book, he is totally, one hundred percent, brutally honest about what his life was like being in the tennis spotlight. His words are so perceptive and observant about what life was like around him. Agassi often mentions in the book about how fatigued, sore, and tired he is of tennis and how much he truly hated it. He talks about the rituals he performed before playing matches, and one which was being stretched out on a therapy table. The way Agassi describes it is gross but gave me a true feeling of what he was struggled with and went through. Pain. Tennis was his job though, and he knew that as well as his wife, Steffi Graf who was a very successful tennis player as well. The thing that I adore about Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf is that they were such successful athletes and tennis players. But, they used their success and money to create a school in Las Vegas, Nevada for under privelaged children. The AAFE (Andre Agassi Foundation for Education) has given kids a chance they have never been given, to get an education. Athletes who use their money to create better opportunities for other people other than themselves really moves me. Not many athletes write their biography all by themselves, are one hundred percent honest in their book, and turn around and do good with all of the money they earn. Andre Agassi was one of many tennis greats that forever changed the game of tennis. I have a big pet peeve, when a person is caught doing something wrong and are too stubborn to admit their wrong doing and are too stubborn to learn from it and turn it into something positive. We are all human, we ALL make mistakes. Some big, some small. Regardless, being able to admit you messed up and apologizing and turning it into something positive takes guts. It doesn't make you less of a person. It makes you a much better one. If Andre Agassi, Tiger Woods, and Michael Vick can admit for their wrong doings, anyone can!

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